Residents of Kambia find themselves grappling with soaring prices in the local market, particularly at Kambia Two Market.

The inflationary trend has sparked concern among citizens, who are calling on authorities to intervene and curb the escalating prices of essential commodities such as sugar, flour, pepper, onions, and more.

The surge in prices, occurring just a day before the commencement of Ramadan, has left many questioning the ethics behind such sharp hikes during a period traditionally associated with spiritual reflection and charitable acts. Residents express frustration at the recurring pattern of price hikes coinciding with religious observances, citing it as a hindrance to fulfilling the obligations of the holy month.

Concerned citizens emphasize the importance of adhering to the teachings of the holy books, particularly during Ramadan, when devout Muslims engage in fasting, prayer, and acts of charity. However, the current economic strain caused by the inflated prices poses a significant challenge to the faithful.

In interviews conducted with traders at Kambia Two Market, it was revealed that a contributing factor to the price surge is the limited supply of locally sourced goods available for sale. Many traders opt to withhold their produce and travel to larger markets, such as the renowned Faramodiya Luma in Guinea, held on Tuesdays, anticipating higher profits. Consequently, those remaining at Kambia Two Market face increased demand and exploit the opportunity to raise prices.

The situation has sparked outcry among residents, who urge authorities to enforce measures to stabilize prices and ensure fair trade practices. With the holy month of Ramadan serving as a time of spiritual devotion and communal solidarity, the imposition of exorbitant prices on essential goods threatens to undermine the essence of the occasion.