Port Loko City was rocked by tragedy on the night of Friday, May 10th, 2024, when a police officer shot and killed an Okada rider, sending shockwaves through the peaceful community. The incident, which occurred along the Kambia highway, has ignited a wave of outrage and unrest among residents, with gunfire and tear gas filling the air as tensions reached a boiling point.

Eyewitnesses report that the fatal shooting stemmed from an argument over transport fare between the police officer and the Okada rider. What began as a dispute quickly escalated into a confrontation, culminating in the tragic loss of life as the officer fired his weapon, fatally injuring the rider.

News of the shooting spread rapidly, triggering protests among Okada riders and other members of the community, who demand justice for the slain rider and accountability for the actions of the police officer involved. As tensions mounted, the city echoed with the sound of gunfire and tear gas, further escalating the situation.

In response to the crisis, efforts are underway by local authorities, including Resident Minister Amb. Umuru Bundu Wurie, Mayor Alie Badara Tarawallie, and Chairman Sheku Tejan Saccoh, to restore calm and address the concerns of residents. However, the majority of the community remains indoors, fearful of further violence.

The incident has reignited conversations about police conduct and the urgent need for reforms within law enforcement agencies to prevent similar tragedies in the future. As the community mourns the loss of a fellow member, there is a united determination to seek answers and ensure that justice is served.

At present, the reasons behind the shooting remain unclear, and the police officer involved is reportedly in hiding as tensions between Okada riders and law enforcement persist. Additional security forces, including teams from the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF) and the Operational Support Division (OSD), are expected to arrive in Port Loko City to help restore order and quell the unrest.