The Rise Charity Foundation has facilitated the release of eight inmates from the Makeni correctional center. This latest initiative aligns with the foundation’s mission to provide assistance and relief to inmates facing financial hardships and alleviate the burden of court fines.

Through its Court Fine Payment Program, the Rise Charity Foundation identifies and assesses the circumstances of inmates who have fallen on difficult times and are unable to meet their financial obligations. By providing financial assistance to cover outstanding court fines, the program helps inmates regain their freedom and pursue a brighter future.

The foundation’s efforts have extended across Sierra Leone, with numerous inmates receiving similar support. This has been made possible by the generous contributions of donors, who have recognized the transformative impact of such assistance.

The Rise Charity Foundation expresses its deepest gratitude to all those who have contributed to this initiative, including donors and prison officers. Their unwavering support has made a significant difference in the lives of these inmates, opening doors to new opportunities and rekindling hope for a fresh start.

The foundation’s actions underscore the importance of community support in empowering individuals facing challenging circumstances. By alleviating financial burdens and fostering rehabilitation, the Rise Charity Foundation plays a crucial role in promoting social justice and creating a more inclusive society.