After his appointment as Chief Minister from Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, Dr. David Moinina Sengeh sent his profound thanks and appreciation to President Julius Maada Bio.

Thank you, President Bio for your confidence in appointing me as the CHIEF MINISTER for the government of Sierra Leone. I will repay you and the people of Sierra Leone with my service and love. My job is simple-to work with the people to deliver on our priorities and needs! Lehgo,”  Dr. Sengeh wrote on his official Twitter page.

As a Chief Minister his role will be to monitor and work with all the other ministries. This is a big role and responsibility entrusted to the Tech expert.

Sengeh is said to be quite knowledgeable in information technology expertise with a doctoral degree in that area, and with this appointment many will hope to see innovative ideas flowing in all the ministries.

Sengeh replaced Jacob Jusu Saffa who served in the position for about a couple of years of Bio’s first five years in office. With Bio re-elected in the June 24, 2023 presidential election ,some members of the public were anxiously waiting on his cabinet announcement.

The President also made other ministerial and other important appointments on Monday morning July 10.