In Koidu City, Kono District, a seven-year-old girl, Fatmata Mansaray, was allegedly stabbed to death by a seventeen-year-old boy, Umaru Darboh. The unsettling event unfolded in the early hours of Thursday, November 23, 2023, at Korgbendy Street in Koidu City, where both the victim and the suspect resided.
Fatmata Mansaray, described as a brave and intelligent young girl, was reportedly living with the suspect’s mother, who happened to be the deceased’s uncle. Reports suggest that the alleged perpetrator, Umaru Darboh, considered Fatmata as an obstacle to his questionable activities, as she consistently exposed his clandestine deeds.
According to Alpha Thuranka, a close neighbor to the alleged perpetrator, the relationship between the victim and the suspect was contentious due to Fatmata’s habit of revealing Umaru’s thefts to his mother. The alleged perpetrator had warned the deceased multiple times to desist from reporting his actions, threatening consequences if she continued.
On the fateful day, Thuranka, waking up for prayers around 5:15 am, noticed Umaru fleeing the room where the deceased slept. Shortly afterward, he heard cries from the alleged perpetrator’s mother, who was sweeping the compound. Rushing to the scene, Thuranka discovered Fatmata bleeding and promptly took her to Koidu Government Hospital, where she tragically succumbed to her injuries.
Alarming reports suggest that Umaru Darboh may have been under the influence of drugs during the incident, as he allegedly shouted, “You can now go inside the room; I have finished with her” after the stabbing.
Fatmata Mansaray has been laid to rest, while Umaru Darboh is in police custody, cooperating with the ongoing investigation. The community is left in shock and mourning, grappling with the loss of a young life and the disturbing circumstances surrounding her untimely death.
So sad. This is the work of Kush.