Sierra Leone’s President, Bio, recently announced the appointment of his first set of new cabinet ministers for his second term. However, the appointment of Napoleon Koroma Esq as the Deputy Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources has sparked controversy, with a Sierra Leonean citizen, Francis Emmanuel Abdulai Jr, expressing concerns about the suitability of the appointment.

Abdulai took to Facebook to voice his opinion, stating, “Truly, our president has made a mistake by appointing Esq Napoleon Koroma to an office where many believe he is unfit. This decision is a topic of discussion among our opposition.”

The core issue raised by Abdulai is the mismatch between Koroma’s legal background and the demands of the mining sector. Abdulai questions the logic behind appointing a legal professional to a position closely tied to the extractive industry. He wrote, “How will you put a legal into a mining area?”

Despite his reservations, Abdulai acknowledged President Bio’s authority, stating, “Anyways, he is our head, and whatever he says is final.”

In his Facebook post, Abdulai also congratulated the newly announced ministers and expressed hope that they would govern the nation in the best interests of the country. He further extended his gratitude to President Bio, expressing faith in his administration’s “big five” agenda.