The Sierra Leone Social Health Insurance Scheme (SLeSHI) on Tuesday 9th July 2024 organized a Communication Team Inaugural Meeting ahead of its official launch on November 1st 2024.

The team will effectively lead the SLeSHI communication and marketing effort towards increasing the population awareness of the scheme to enhance nation wide participation ahead of its official launch and after.

According to the Team Lead of SLeSHI, Dr. Matthew Amara, they have been given a mandate to start the scheme on November 1st 2024 which prompt the idea of the inaugural meeting to rollout Communication and marketing strategies, to provide quality health service to every residents of Sierra Leone.

He disclosed that the government wants to achieve the Universal Health Coverage come 2035, adding that SLeSHI will help the government in achieving such goal.

Dr. Charles Technical Adviser SLeSHI emphasize on the objective of the meeting which is said is to reintroduce SLeSHI to the Media and its recent updates regarding the upcoming official launch, and to also form a communication Strategy team for collaboration.

Dr. Kandeh Consultant Communication Strategy and his team presented the overview of the Communication Strategy wherein they highlighted series of ways and means SLeSHI can be popularized across the country.

The meeting was climaxed with questions, comments, and contributions from members present at the meeting.

The Sierra Leone Social Health Insurance (SLeSHI) scheme was enacted through an act of parliament in 2017. The scheme’s primary objective is to provide pre-paid quality and affordable health care services for all Sierra Leoneans and legal residents.