In a collaborative effort, the Sierra Leone Roads Authority (SLRA), alongside Gento Group of Companies and Pavi Fort – AL Associates, swiftly responded to clear a significant buildup of trash that inundated and obstructed the main road at Brima Lane New Road following a period of intense rainfall.

The aftermath of the heavy rainfall left the road impassable, posing a significant inconvenience and safety hazard to commuters and residents in the area. The accumulation of debris and trash threatened to impede traffic flow and hinder essential transportation routes.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the SLRA, in partnership with Gento Group of Companies and Pavi Fort – AL Associates, mobilized resources and manpower to tackle the formidable task of clearing the blocked road.

Through concerted efforts and efficient coordination, the teams worked tirelessly to remove the debris and restore safe passage along the affected route.