On Friday, September 27, 2024, the Deputy Minister of Sports, Kai Lawrence Bayoh, took the stand in a significant theft case involving a 264-carat diamond allegedly stolen from a mining site in Kono District.

Testifying before Magistrate Santigie Bangura at Pademba Road Court No. 2, Minister Bayoh provided critical evidence in the ongoing proceedings against three accused individuals.

Led by State Prosecutor Yusuf Isaac Sesay, the Deputy Minister recounted how he became acquainted with the complainant, Benjamin Mere, through his brother, Aiah Lebbie, who had previously testified in the case.

In his statements, Minister Bayoh identified the first accused, Sheku Kabba, as the representative of Benjamin Mere at the mining site, while Tamba Lebbie was identified as representing Aiah Lebbie. The third accused, Sahr Lebbie, is currently at large and is described as a diamond dealer.

Minister Bayoh recalled receiving a phone call in May 2024 from his brother Aiah, who informed him of the alleged diamond theft. Following this conversation, he arranged to meet with Aiah, Sheku Kabba, and Tamba Lebbie at his home that evening.

During their meeting, Kabba sought the Minister’s assistance regarding the diamond matter and informed him that they had mined thirty-five pieces of diamond, all of which had been handed over to the complainant, Mere.

During his testimony, Bayoh stated that the group discussed who had possession of the stolen diamond at the time, learning that it was in the custody of an individual named Hisham Mackey. Kabba and the others then promised to return the diamond to the Minister if he could support their claim to it.

The Deputy Minister further explained that when he attempted to follow up the next day, he received no positive response from the accused. In light of their silence, he proceeded to the Criminal Investigation Department to file a formal statement regarding the incident.

Cross-examined by defense counsel Jessie M. Jengo, Bayoh’s testimony shed light on the intricacies of the case. Magistrate Bangura subsequently adjourned the proceedings to October 2, 2024.

While the accused—Sheku Kabba, Tamba Lebbie, and Jehad Basma—are currently out on bail, they failed to meet the bail conditions and were remanded to the Male Correctional Facility. The case includes multiple charges: conspiracy, embezzlement, and receiving stolen goods under the Larceny Act of 1916.

The charge sheet indicates that Kabba and Lebbie conspired to embezzle the diamond between May 20 and 26, 2024, in Moryonfeh village.

The stolen diamond is valued at approximately $42 million, equivalent to over one billion Leones, and is said to belong to Benjamin Mere. Additionally, Jehad Basma faces charges for knowingly receiving the stolen diamond.

As the case continues to unfold, it has attracted significant attention due to the high-profile nature of those involved and the substantial value of the stolen diamond