20-year-old student Ibrahim Barrie and 39-year-old farmer Sao Fefegulah found themselves facing four serious charges, including conspiracy to commit a felony, housebreaking and larceny, receiving stolen goods, and fraudulent conversion.

According to the particulars of the offense, in August 2023 at Baoma oil Village, Kandu Leppiama Chiefdom, Kenema District in the Eastern Region of Freetown, the accused individuals, along with unidentified accomplices, allegedly conspired to defraud Alusine Mohamed Conteh of a valuable four-carat fifteen percent (4.15%) diamond worth four hundred and seventy-seven thousand two hundred and fifty Leones (Le 477,250).

On the second count, the first accused person is accused of breaking and entering into the dwelling house of Moses Brima Conteh on August 25, 2023, in the same village, stealing four-carat fifteen percent diamond, eighty-six percent diamond, seventy-three percent diamond, and fifty-five percent diamond, amounting to a total of five hundred and eleven thousand five hundred and eighty-nine Leones (Le 511,589), all of which was the property of Alusine Mohamed Conteh and in the custody of Moses Brima Conteh.

The third count implicates the second accused person, who allegedly received a four-carat fifteen percent diamond valued at four hundred and seventy-seven thousand two hundred and fifty Leones (Le 477,250) from Ibrahim Barrie, knowing that it had been stolen.

Lastly, on the fourth count, the second accused person is alleged to have fraudulently converted property entrusted to him by Ibrahim Barrie, specifically, a one-point-four carat fifteen percent (15%) diamond worth four hundred and seventy-seven thousand two hundred and fifty Leones (Le 477,250), intended for sale and belonging to Alusine Mohamed Conteh.

Both accused persons did not enter a plea when the charges were read and explained to them. Magistrate Ngegba refused bail and ordered the accused individuals to be remanded at the male correctional center in Freetown. The case has been adjourned to November 9, 2023, for further proceedings, with Inspector Mabel M Tarawalie prosecuting the matter.