The Students and Parents of Kono District have raised concern over the Mismanagement and fraudulent activities of the Deputy Director of Education Kono, Mr Alimamy Kamara, whom they said have for the past two years exploited the students and parents for his selfish interests.

According to a representative of the Parent Association Families (PAF), Sahr Komba, the Deputy Director, Alimamy Kamara has been collecting money from the school subsidies, student’s entry fees from which he bought a new four runner for himself, adding that recently as yesterday, he got married from the contributions he collected from all schools in Kono District.

Mr Sahr continued that with all these moneys collected the students are failing miserably in public examinations. He added that the Deputy Director, Alimamy Kamara should have been married in his youth age but he was unfortunate because of lack of opportunity but since he found himself in Kono District, he thought he now has the opportunity to get married which he did yesterday at the Buya’s hotel in Portloko District from moneys collected from the poor students and parent, adding that Mr Kamara was transferred from his own District Kambia due to same fraudulent activities which they are not going to treat lightly because their children are their futures.

“Alimamy Kamara must go. Our children are not fools why should they be failing massively with no explanation.DD KONO DISTRICT must go because he is propagating the APC ideology to undermine the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party. Honestly, from all indications, Alimamy Kamara is an agent of the main opposition APC party from Kambia District who has been assigned to undermine H.E. Dr. Julius Maada Bio Government. We as parents are happy for the president for introducing FREE QUALITY EDUCATION TO SIERRA LEONE BUT ALIMAMY KAMARA IS UNDERMINING THE GOVERNMENT’S FLAGSHIP MANIFESTO OF THE PRESIDENT” he laments.

However, the parents and Guardians of these students are calling on the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary School Education and the Government to look into this matter immediately for his transfer to avoid future failures for their upcoming children in Kono District.