Sulima community of Pujehun District, local stakeholders have handed over a colonial building to the Sierra Leone Police for rehabilitation. This gesture underscores their dedication to enhancing the safety and well-being of their community.

Supporting this initiative, Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to Liberia, Edie Masallay, contributed five bundles of zinc and $100 to aid in the building’s restoration. These resources are intended to ensure the building is adequately prepared for use by the police.

Ambassador Masallay’s involvement highlights the collaborative effort among local leaders and the community. His financial donation and material support emphasize a shared commitment to upgrading the facilities for the Sierra Leone Police Force in Sulima.

The handover marks a positive step for both the community and the police, showcasing the power of cooperation in creating a safer environment. Assistant Inspector General of Police Brima Kanneh, the Regional Police Commander South, expressed gratitude to the Sulima stakeholders for their contributions. He assured that the police would effectively utilize the provided resources to rehabilitate the colonial building, transforming it into a more functional and secure police station.

AIG Kanneh also pledged to work closely with the community to address any security issues, ensuring Sulima remains a safe and peaceful place for its residents. This partnership between the community and the police is a testament to the collective effort required to maintain public safety.