The Sulima community in Sorogbema Chiefdom, Pujehun District, has launched a campaign targeting the consumption of Kush among its youth.

On Monday, February 26th, 2024, the youths in collaboration with local authorities led a coordinated effort to dismantle ghettos and drug cartels operating within the area, culminating in the arrest of several individuals implicated in the illegal drug trade.

Among the apprehended individuals, four young people were taken into custody, signaling a firm stance against drug abuse within the community. Notably, one of those arrested was revealed to be an Army officer affiliated with the Navy wing stationed in Sulima, raising concerns about the infiltration of drug activity even within security forces.

The crackdown reflects the community’s proactive approach to combatting substance abuse and its associated social, economic, and health repercussions. Residents have expressed solidarity in support of the authorities’ efforts to safeguard the well-being and prospects of their youth.

Local leaders and law enforcement agencies have pledged to continue their vigilance and enforcement measures to curb the proliferation of drugs within Sulima and its surrounding areas. The recent operation underscores the community’s determination to create a safe and drug-free environment conducive to growth, development, and prosperity for all residents.