Fifty-six-year-old Thelma Golley, a teacher at Lebanese International School, and her husband, fifty-two-year-old Alpha Sandi, appeared before Magistrate Sahr Kekura at Pademba Road Court No. 1 in Freetown, facing four charges, including wounding with intent, wounding, and assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

The charges stem from an incident on Saturday, July 6, 2024, in Kanigo Marimbo, Lumley, where the couple allegedly attacked their former house help, Kumba Gborie. The prosecution, led by Assistant Superintendent of Police Ibrahim S. Manasaray, presented Kumba Gborie as the first witness. Gborie, a businesswoman, testified that she had worked for the accused as a house help for one month and was owed two hundred Leones as her monthly salary.

According to Gborie, when she confronted her employers about the unpaid wages, Golley accused her of losing a 5-gallon jerry can and refused to pay. The situation escalated, with Golley allegedly using abusive language. Gborie claimed she responded in kind, which prompted Golley to inform her husband. Sandi allegedly attacked Gborie, assisted by his wife, and struck her on the head with a stick embedded with a nail, causing severe bleeding.

Gborie reported the incident to Lumley Police Station, where she received a medical request form and was treated at Lumley Medical Hospital, receiving four stitches. Photographs of her injuries were submitted as evidence in court.

Defense counsel A.Y. Omo Lisk cross-examined the witness and applied for bail for the accused, arguing that they are Sierra Leonean residents with reliable sureties who would ensure they do not interfere with witnesses or flee the jurisdiction. However, Magistrate Kekura denied bail for Golley but granted bail to Sandi in the amount of fifty thousand Leones, with conditions including the provision of a surety and a valid identity card.

The case has been adjourned to August 22, 2024, for further proceedings.