A 27-year-old teacher called Osman D. Kamara was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment at the Male Correctional Centre in Freetown after he was found guilty of sexually penetrating an eight-year-old girl.

The matter was tried at the Freetown High Court No.7 by Justice Samuel O Taylor.
The convict was standing trial on a count charge of sexual penetration contrary to the laws of Sierra Leone.

It was alleged that the convict on the 20th of December, 2019 at an unknown place in Freetown, sexually penetrated an 8-year-old girl.

According to the victim’s testimony in court, she stated that on the day of the incident her grandmother, who she stays with, was not at home, but left her in the care of a neighbor.
She continued that she was playing when the convict called her and asked her to buy recharge card for him, which she did.

She further testified that upon her return, the convict asked her to return the remaining money, adding that when she returned the convict grabbed and dragged her in his room and sexually penetrated her.

The victim’s grandmother was brought in by the prosecuting counsel to testify in court.
The grandmother explained after she returned home in the evening, she was bathing the girl when she realized that something was wrong with her.
She said the girl told her how she was sexually penetrated.
She said they went to the police and made a statement and the convict was arrested