In a viral video circulating online, a suspected thief in Bo City, southern Sierra Leone, was forced to eat the very item he allegedly stole – a live chicken.

The incident, which has sparked widespread reactions, reportedly took place after the man was caught red-handed attempting to steal the bird. In the video, the man, looking distraught and humiliated, is surrounded by a crowd who taunt him while forcing him to consume parts of the live chicken.

The footage, which has quickly gained traction on social media platforms, has drawn both outrage and support from various viewers. Some argue that the act was a form of rough justice often seen in communities where the formal justice system is perceived as ineffective. Others, however, condemned the treatment as inhumane and a violation of the suspect’s rights, regardless of his alleged crime.

Authorities in Bo are reportedly investigating the incident, though no official statement has yet been made. The incident underscores the ongoing challenge of mob justice in Sierra Leone, where frustration with law enforcement sometimes leads to vigilante-style punishments.