Major General Dauda Alpha, Commander of the Joint Force gave emotional testimony on Friday at the ongoing Court Martial hearing at Cockeril Headquarters on Friday, April 5th, 2024.

General Alpha described the events of November 26th, 2023, when an unknown group attacked military installations in the capital city, Freetown.

He testified that his close protection officer, Sergeant Marrah, was brutally beheaded by assailants who blasted an RPG on his vehicle.

According to the testimony, Sergeant Marrah’s head was shattered into pieces in the attack, leaving behind his four-month-old baby and grieving wife.

Led in evidence by Captain Yainkain Ballay Kamara, the witness shared his extensive military background, having served in the Armed Forces of Sierra Leone since 1991, totaling 33 years of service.

Major General Alpha explained his current role as supervising the conduct of all officers in the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF) and ensuring logistical support and capacity training both domestically and internationally.

During his testimony, he identified Lieutenant Colonel C. A .M Yamba, the seventeenth accused, who was deployed as the Commanding Officer at Five Battalion Wilberforce.

The Court Martial hearing is scheduled to resume today.