Authorities in Kafe Chiefdom in the Tonkolili District, Northern Sierra Leone, have on May 12th 2024 arrested and handed over to the Sierra Leone Police three men suspected to be smoking and selling the deadly kush drug.

Kapr Mansaray, Saio Marrah and Alusine Kamara are the three men and they were arrested by local authorities in the Chiefdom at a Gold mining site called Rogbom.

In an effort to make his Chiefdom a Kush free, Paramount Chief Dr. Masakma Madibie II of Kafe Chiefdom has recently held a meeting with his sub Chiefs, Youth Leaders and Mamy Queens warning all and sundry to refrain from the smoking and selling of the Kush drug in the Chiefdom. The Chief threatened legal actions against sub Chiefs and other people who may attempt to undermine the fight against the drug. According to the Chief, he means business and nobody will deter his fight against Kush.

Complementing the efforts of the Paramount Chief, the authorities raided some mining sites in the Chiefdom and the three men were eventually arrested while smoking kush. PC Masakma has ordered that the three men are handed over to the Sierra Leone Police for investigations and possible prosecution.

As advised by the Chief, the three men were handed over to the Magburaka Police Station. The men were detained awaiting investigation and prosecution.

Kush, a deadly drug has ravaged a number of industrious young people in Sierra Leone since it emergence few years ago. As part of his efforts to contained the drug, the Paramount Chief has enacted bye laws with very strict penalties against defaulters. Of recent, several Kush dealers have been forced to either leave the Chiefdom or face prosecution.

The arrest of the three men is seen as the Chief’s unwavering commitment to eradicate the deadly drug. Meanwhile, the Chief has set up a Committee to monitor the ongoing investigation to ensure the three suspects are successfully charge and prosecuted. According to the Paramount Chief, who is also the Chairman of the National Council of Paramount Chiefs in Tonkolili District, he will make Kafe Chiefdom one of the most dangerous places for Kush sellers and smokers. The Magburaka Police Station is investigating the matter.