At the Pademba Road Court No. 2 in Freetown, the case against Atmata Jalloh, a trader accused of fraudulent conversion, has progressed as she appeared once more before Magistrate Santigie Bangura. Charged under Section 20 (1) (iv) (a) of the Larceny Act 1916, Jalloh stands accused of converting goods for sale to her own use or benefit, contrary to the law.

According to the prosecution, led by DPC 18235 Thoronka K.K, Jalloh allegedly committed the offense on January 26, 2024, at East Brook Street in Freetown. It is claimed that she fraudulently converted goods, including two pairs of slippers, with a total value of Leones 18,080, entrusted to her for sale.

Four witnesses, including the investigating officer, testified against Jalloh, providing evidence to support the allegations. The prosecution asserted that sufficient evidence had been adduced against her to warrant a trial in the High Court.

During the court proceedings, Magistrate Bangura read and explained the charge to Jalloh, who made no appeal. Consequently, she was committed to the High Court for trial. Jalloh was granted bail in the sum of twenty thousand Leones, with two sureties each required to produce valid identification cards and proof of address in Freetown. The bail amount was to be approved by the Deputy Assistant Registrar.

The case against Jalloh highlights the seriousness with which fraudulent conversion is treated under the law. If found guilty, she could face significant penalties, including fines or imprisonment, depending on the judgment of the court.

Fraudulent conversion, as defined by law, occurs when someone unlawfully takes possession of another person’s property and converts it to their own use or benefit without the owner’s consent. This offense is considered a breach of trust and can have severe consequences for the perpetrator.

The legal process will now continue in the High Court, where Jalloh will have the opportunity to present her defense against the allegations. The outcome of the trial will ultimately be determined by the evidence presented and the decision of the presiding judge.