In a collaborative effort to enhance child protection measures in Pujehun District, World Vision International Sierra Leone and Street Child Sierra Leone concluded a day-long training session on Friday, May 21, 2024.

Held at the Ndeleh Hall, Growth Center in Pujehun Town, the training focused on “System Strengthening for Child Survival – FY 2024 Orientation of Sexual Violence Champions.”

The session, attended by various stakeholders including women’s groups, district councils, police, military, MDAs, CSOs, youth groups, and children representatives, aimed to empower these groups as advocates for child safety, particularly in combatting sexual violence.

Bai J. Conteh, Acting Director of Program Delivery and Head of Advocacy at Street Child Sierra Leone, emphasized the crucial role of identified “sexual violence champions” in safeguarding children from heinous crimes. These champions play a pivotal role in raising awareness and ensuring communities are equipped to protect children against sexual violence.

“It is the responsibility of the community to shield children from sexual violence and other adversities they face,” stated Conteh, underlining the community-centric approach advocated during the training.

Madan Florence Sandy, Assistant Director of the Ministry of Gender and Children Affairs in Pujehun district, expressed gratitude towards the organizing bodies for their initiative. She pledged collaboration among stakeholders to form a united front against sexual violence targeting children.

The training session concluded with a commitment from participants to apply their knowledge and collaborate effectively to safeguard children in Pujehun District. This initiative marks a significant step forward in the ongoing efforts to create a safer environment for children, free from the threat of sexual violence.