Over 200 kids from four Primary Schools at Gloucester in Freetown have benefited from school materials worth millions of Leones from the Gilo Educational Economic Development (GEED) Foundation.
The beneficiary schools include the Rural Education Committee, Ahmadiyya, Baptist and Church of Christ Primary Schools. The items include exercise books, school bags, mathematical sets, toys and other school paraphernalia.
GEED Foundation was founded in 2007 and has been pushing initiatives to support women and children in Freetown, Bo, Bonthe, Port Loko and Tonkolili Districts. Founder and CEO of GEED Foundation, Amb Dr Walton Ekundayoh Gilpin who is also the Managing Director of Rokel Commercial Bank said he had always felt the need to support the vulnerable in society as part of his contribution to nation-building.
The donation at Gloucester was witnessed by key stakeholders including the village headman, Councillor, religious heads, parents and teachers who all expressed appreciation for the timely assistance to the kids. A parent, Samuel Johnson had this to say; *” We need more donations like this from well-meaning citizens to complement the government’s free quality education.. may God bless GEED Foundation”