Yonni Town, located in the Kpanga Chiefdom of the Pujehun District, has recently expressed its dissatisfaction over the deteriorating condition of the town’s Barry. The poor state of Barry has posed significant challenges for the community, hindering their ability to engage in public activities.

According to Madam Mary Kaikai, the Town Chief of Yonni, the Barry was constructed in 2004 during the tenure of the late Town Chief, Momodu Kaikai, with the assistance of the late Honorable Siaka Tondo Magona. It was intended to serve as a venue for town meetings, social activities, and other important purposes. Unfortunately, since its construction, no major rehabilitation efforts have been undertaken, resulting in the current deplorable state of the Barry.

Madam Mary Kaikai has made numerous proposals for the construction and rehabilitation of the town Barry, but none have been approved thus far. This has left the community in a difficult situation, as they are forced to conduct town meetings and administrative activities under trees and in private residences. The absence of a community center has also significantly impacted social activities within the town.

Expressing their frustration, the Youth Leader of Yonni Town, Kamoh Tiffa, highlighted the community’s persistent efforts to seek assistance. They have reached out to stakeholders, NGOs, government officials, and the council, but unfortunately, no action has been taken to address the poor condition of the Barry.

In light of these challenges, the community of Yonni Town is urgently calling on stakeholders, government authorities, NGOs, and the council to address their pressing need for the rehabilitation of the town Barry. The community strongly believes that the construction and restoration of the Barry will not only enhance their daily activities but also promote social cohesion and development within the town.

It is hoped that this appeal will garner the attention and support needed to initiate the much-needed rehabilitation efforts, ultimately improving the living conditions and overall well-being.