The recently released 2022 Auditor General’s Report has shed light on unresolved financial discrepancies within the Office of His Excellency Julius Maada Bio and the former Chairman of the Office of the Presidential Infrastructure Initiative, Dr. John Tambi.

Within the Office of His Excellency Julius Maada Bio, an outstanding balance of US$97,000 and €10,000 for Special Imprest of Overseas Travel remains unaccounted for, as highlighted in the report. This discrepancy, as noted by the Auditor General, stands unresolved and raises concerns regarding financial transparency and accountability.

Moreover, the report directs attention towards Dr. John Tambi, the former Chairman of the Presidential Infrastructure Initiative, urging him to either provide documentation or refund the Consolidated Revenue Fund. ( This refund amounts to SLE22,370,463, a sum drawn from the Lungi Bridge Feasibility Study Account. The directive includes payment to the Atepa Group for the Lungi Bridge feasibility study.

These revelations, documented on page 330 of the Auditor General’s Report for the year 2022, have triggered discussions on the necessity of prompt action, transparency, and accountability within key governmental offices and initiatives. The unresolved financial matters highlighted in the report underscore the importance of stringent fiscal oversight and adherence to proper financial protocols within public offices.

As the public gains access to this critical information, it has raised calls for swift actions to address these financial discrepancies and ensure compliance with fiscal regulations and accountability standards in governmental operations.