Heading for a very crucial but highly unpredictable Presidential and Parliamentary elections come June 2023, lives and property in Sierra Leone seem to be under very serious threat in the wake of the high consumption of narcotics drugs by a huge proportion of Sierra Leonean youths including some members of our security forces who are supposed to protect lives and property.

The recent disappearance of some 29 cartons of suspected cocaine discovered by some key national security stakeholders at Queen Elizabeth II Quay that were placed under the custody of police had left doubts in the minds of many as to whether the country is safe ahead of June next year’s general elections.

Accusing fingers are now pointing at the Offices of some top police officers and the Ministry of Internal Affairs for allegedly aiding and abetting the importation of the drugs and by extension the high consumption of narcotic drugs among the young people of Sierra Leone.

If the new direction Government of President Bio is sincere in the fight against drug trafficking, it must gracefully ask the country and Internal Affairs Minister to step aside to allow the impartial investigation of the disappearance of the 29 cartons that allegedly contained the alleged cocaine substance in a 40ft container No. MRSU 3560601 onboard a truck with Registration Number AUD861 that was entrusted into the custody of the Sierra Leone Police on 3rd October 2022 for further investigation by the Transnational Organized Crime Unit lTOCU manned by the Assistant Commissioner of Police Alhaji Mbadi Bangura.

It will be recalled that a couple of weeks ago, a vehicle allegedly carrying drugs from Sierra Leone was arrested in Burkinafaso. Similarly, 5 Sierra Leoneans were intercepted on board a local boat in Guinea with drugs from Sierra Leone.