The body charged with the responsibility to pursue corruption cases to their final life span, Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has today released a press statement that have found 5 guilty of misappropriation of donor funds.
This noticed came to the knowledge of the public through the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) commissioner Facebook page, Francis Ben Kaifala. According to the Commissioner, after several appearances and investigations done on the accused, they have been finally found guilty of the crime of misappropriation of donor funds and sentenced by Honourable Justice Komba Kamanda.
According to the press statement, the High Court of Sierra Leone Holden at Freetown, presided over by the Honourable Justice Komba Kamanda Jr on Thursday 3rd November, 2022 convicted Akuna Daniel Shorunkeh Sawyerr, former Quality Assurance Officer of Plan International (1st accused), Blassie Turay, former admin office of Plan International (3rd accused), Moses Ogendeh Kamara, Chief Executive Officer of Community Empowerment and Rural Development (CEFORD) and of 9 Ogendeh Drive, Korgbo, Ogoo Farm, Freetown (5th accused), Mohamed Ishmyle Bangura, Chief Executive Officer of Bombali Youth in Action (BOYA) and of No. 49 Payne Street, Makeni (6th accused) and Abubakar Kanu, Salesman at Eddiecan Enterprise and of No. 2 Magburaka Road, Makeni (7th accused).
The Hon. Justice Komba Kamanda convicted Akuna Daniel Shorunkeh Sawyerr, on Eleven (11) counts of corruption charges; Misappropriation of Donor Funds, contrary to Section 37(1) and Conspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence, contrary to Section 128(1)(a), of the Anti-Corruption Act NO. 12 of 2008.
The learned judge sentenced Akuna Daniel Shorunkeh Sawyerr to a cumulative fine of Four Hundred and Sixty Thousand New Leones (Nle640,000) or three years imprisonment. The judge further ordered that the convict pays back to the ACC within six months, from the date of the judgment, One Billion, Three Hundred and Forty-Nine Thousand, Five Hundred and Thirty Thousand (old) Leones (Le 1,349,530,000), being monies he misappropriated and conspired to misappropriate from donor funds meant for the people of Sierra Leone.
Blasie Turay, Mohamed Ishmyle Bangura and Abubakarr Kanu were each convicted on one count and each sentenced to pay a fine of Thirty Thousand New Leones (Nle 30,000) or there years imprisonment.
Muses Ogendeh Kamara was convicted on Counts 2, 3, and 4 of the charges; Conspiracy to Commit a Corruption Offence, contrary to Section 128(1)(a), and misappropriation of Donor Funds, contrary to Section 37(1) of the Anti-Corruption Act No. 12, of 2008. He was sentenced to cumulative fine of One Hundred and Ten Thousand New Leone (Nle 110,000) or three years imprisonment.
The remaining 2nd, 4th and 8th accused persons, Christian Clemens, Patrick Abubakarr Mahoi and Hassan Bangura were discharged by the High Court.
As a reminder to Non-governmental Organizations with the thoughts that the Anti-Corruption Commission does not cover them, Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala urged them to take notes and strongly affirmed that the ACC has full jurisdiction over NGOs as well. According to the Commissioner, hence it has to do with monies for the general public, he is forever ready to convict defaulters.