Traders and hawkers in Freetown’s busy Sani Abacha Street have refused to honour a request made by the police to desist from street trading.

On Thursday morning, troops of police stormed the busy street cum market to stop the traders from hawking on the streets.

In response, the traders vowed to protest while stopping shop owners from opening their stores.

We were urged to close our shops by the hawkers.

“They threatened to loot if we refuse to close,” Jorgor Barrie, a shopkeeper said.

Almost all shops and stores in the busy street remain closed as heavy police presence is now at the scene.

Assistant Police Commissioner Senesie, addressing the hawkers, urged them to be law-abiding and respectful. He pleaded with them to refrain from any violence.

One of the hawkers informed Sierraloaded that the move to stop them from hawking on the street is unfriendly to them.

“Some of us are single parents and this is how we fend for our families,” the young lady said.

Similar standoff between police and hawkers in the street have previously occurred with the most recent being the August 10 protest.