In a compelling address at the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM), Commissioner Francis Ben Kaifala of the Anti-Corruption Commission delivered a thought-provoking speech on “Restoring Integrity in Tertiary Institutions as a Bedrock in the Fight Against Corruption.”

Commissioner Kaifala commenced his lecture by quoting luminaries such as Oprah Winfrey and Bob Marley, emphasizing that true integrity lies in doing the right thing irrespective of recognition.

He defined integrity as the unwavering adherence to moral principles, contrasting it with corruption, which he described as the abuse of power for personal gain.

Highlighting the Anti-Corruption Act’s provisions, Kaifala underscored various offenses constituting corruption, including bribery and misappropriation of funds.

He stressed that combating corruption demands the integration of integrity into everyday life, particularly within educational institutions like IPAM.

Referencing a Canadian NGO, Kaifala outlined six pillars of integrity: trust, influence, truth, honor, dignity, and authenticity. He proposed that these values, when instilled early through education, empower future generations to resist corruption effectively.

Kaifala lauded the efforts of the Anti-Corruption Commission in promoting integrity among youths through Integrity Clubs and Accountability Now Clubs in schools nationwide. He detailed the commission’s educational campaigns and systematic reviews aimed at fostering corruption-free environments within public institutions.

The Commissioner highlighted Sierra Leone’s progress in anti-corruption efforts, citing substantial recoveries of misappropriated funds and improvements in global corruption rankings.

He expressed optimism about the country’s forthcoming National Anti-Corruption Strategy, emphasizing prevention as paramount in future endeavors.Concluding his address, Kaifala commended the university’s leadership and students for their commitment to fighting corruption, urging continued collaboration in upholding integrity across all sectors of society.

The event concluded with the official launch of the Students Against Corruption Sierra Leone chapter, symbolizing a renewed commitment to integrity and accountability among young leaders.