The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has issued a Press Release informing the general public that it had commenced investigation into corruption allegations against the Clerk of Parliament, Hon. Paran Umar Tarawally and his wife, Mrs. Abibatu Tarawally.

The Press Release which is dated 14th January 2024 reveals that the Commission confirms that it is investigating allegations that the Clerk of Parliament employed his wife without due process and that since the said employment, Mrs Abibatu Tarawally has not been reporting for duties but received salaries.

This raises serious questions of Conflict of Interest and abuse of position by the Clerk of Parliament.

While investigations continue, ACC confirms that as a condition of her bail, Mrs Abibatu Tarawally returned the sum of One Hundred and Thirty Thousand (New) Leones (Le 131,000) from the One Hundred and Fifty-Six Thousand (New) Leones (Le156, 000) she received as Salary for the 10 Months she was on payroll, according to records obtained from the Account-General.

Meanwhile, Hon. Paran Umar Tarawally and Mrs Abibatu Tarawally are on bail pending further investigation into the matter.

The ACC assured the general public of its unwavering determination and relentless resolve to protect all State Resources.