In the ongoing treason trial of Amadu Koita Makalo and 11 others, the sixth accused, Hassan Leigh, has testified that he volunteered to fight against attackers at Cockrill. Leigh, led in evidence by his defense counsel, A. Bangura, denied the allegations against him and recounted his actions on the night in question.

Leigh stated, “While I was at 7 Battalion field with military personnel, I got information that Cockrill had been attacked. Based on the information, I volunteered to join government security personnel to fight against the attackers. ‘Wi nor go sidom pipul cam pwel dis kontry for wi,” which translates to “We cannot sit by and watch other people destroy the nation.”

On November 25, 2023, Leigh testified that between 8 PM and 9 PM, he was coming from Aberdeen Empire Club to Femi Turner Drive, where he stopped at a bar for some drinks. The bar owner informed him it would close early due to expected visitors and suggested he order more drinks if needed. Leigh ordered drinks for OSD police officer Sidi Jawara. Shortly after, a military officer arrived, and a black and grey vehicle parked adjacent to the bar.

Leigh claimed that in the presence of Jennifer, the salesperson, Sidi said, “Tomorrow by now we would be at State House,” which Leigh initially thought was related to a new posting. Jennifer later explained Sidi’s statement, leading Leigh to visit his brother, Mr. Jalah Kaikal, a staff member at the Immigration Department, to pass on the information. Jennifer regretted sharing the alleged coup information, saying, “Una mende e les una dae suffer una nor dae komot behind SLPP.”

Around midnight, Leigh drove his bike to the military police office at 7 Battalion to inform his friend, Sergeant Kanu, about what he heard, but found the office locked and returned home.

On the morning of November 26, 2023, Leigh left home to collect his wife for church service. At Adonkia, a lady informed him that thieves had attacked Wilberforce. He later took the lady to Mambo and was stopped with other commercial bikes, diverted to the 7th Battalion field.

Leigh recalled talking to Sergeant Moseray, who introduced him to Sergeant Major RSM Samura, where Leigh declared his intention to join the government forces. Moseray offered him a combat uniform but advised him not to leave the compound. Initially wearing Ranger Forest Guard trousers and rain boots, Leigh was given a new military uniform but did not wear it. He named Sergeant Fadika as the one who led him to collect money for military boots. Recognized as a Forest Guard, RSM Samura ordered his arrest and detention, forcing him to wear the uniform.

On December 1, 2023, Leigh was taken to the Criminal Investigation Department headquarters, where a statement was obtained from him. The accused was cross-examined by lead State Counsel AJM Bockarie.