The Acting Chief Justice of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Hon. Justice Nicholas Browne-Marke has officially opened the newly built ultramodern High and Magistrate’s Courts building in Kailahun District, in Eastern Province of the country on 24th July 2024.

The project, which was funded by the Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Works and Public Assets with support from United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is aimed at increasing access to justice to citizens across the country.

In his statement, the Acting Chief Justice said he was pleased to not only officially open the building, but to witness such an historic event in a District which years back, did not have a resident magistrate or a judge.
He said the building is the second in the country that will be hosting a Sexual Offences Model Court with advance witness protection facilities to protect the identity of witnesses more especially child witnesses.

The said buildings hosts two courtrooms: one Magistrate and the other the High Court with exhibits room, holding cells for male, female, Juvenile accused persons, offices for Bailiffs and Court Registrars/Clerks and an office space for the National Revenue Authority.

The Acting Chief Justice admonished the residents in the District to take care of the structure and to ensure that it is used for the intended purpose.