In a significant move to drive the government’s food security agenda, the Honorable Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Henry Musa Kpaka, has on Thursday 23 May 2024  visited Pujehun District to hand over a landing craft and other agricultural equipment to local farmers.

The event, which was attended by a host of government officials and community leaders, was marked by a warm welcome from the Chiefdom Speaker, Kpanga S.M. Kamara, who expressed gratitude for the minister’s presence despite his busy schedule. “The feed saloon will be achieved under the regime of the Honorable Minister of Agriculture, Musa Kpaka,” Kamara said, referring to the government’s ambitious food security drive.

The occasion was chaired by the Senior Permanent Secretary, Andrew N. Pumagoi Sorie, who described the day as a “very good day for the people of Pujehun District.” He expressed the expectation that the people of Pujehun would lend their full support to the food security initiative.
“Food is essential for the human body, and we pray that the minister will deliver on this in good faith,” Sorie said, highlighting the importance of the equipment donation for the riverine area of Pujehun.

Madam Yatta Sama, the National Coordinator of the Farmer Federation, commended the minister for the reforms he has introduced in the Agriculture Ministry. She emphasized that the farmers own the process and are fully supportive of the feed saloon project, pledging to work together to achieve food self-sufficiency.

The Chairman of the pujehun District Council, Foday Kandeh Rogers, expressed his appreciation for the president’s leadership and the appointment of a “son of the soil” as the minister. He assured the minister of the council’s unwavering support in achieving his goals.

The pujehun District Agriculture Officer, Madam Lucy Koker, was overwhelmed by the minister’s gesture, stating that it demonstrates the government’s readiness to push the feed saloon project forward. She commended the security sector for ensuring the safe use of the equipment.

In his keynote address, Minister Kpaka emphasized the significance of the event, highlighting that the feed saloon project started in Pujehun and that President Bio had challenged him to utilize the land effectively.
Kpaka revealed that the government has distributed machines to district agriculture offices to ease the burden on farmers. He appealed to the people of Pujehun to take ownership of the process and expressed his expectation for significant progress, noting that 700 hectares of the targeted 3,000 hectares have already been plowed.

The minister also disclosed the distribution of three landing crafts to Pujehun, Toma Bum, and Kambia to further support the agricultural activities in these regions. The event underscores the government’s commitment to empowering farmers and achieving food security in Sierra Leone, with Pujehun District serving as a key focus area for the feed saloon project.