Mayor of Freetown, Her Worship Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr and Mayor of Washington DC, Muriel Elizabeth Bowser have received the prestigious Dr. Benjamin Barber Global Cities Award 2021.

They are awarded for their tremendous efforts in responding to challenges with innovative ideas in their respective cities.

The Global Parliament of Mayors created the award to honour outstanding actions or research on urban governance and contributions to advancing the roles and principles set out by the GPM. The award is named in memory of the founder of GPM, Dr. Benjamin Barber, author of the book ‘If Mayors Ruled the World’ (2014), who continues to inspire Mayors from around the world.

Her Worship Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr received the award for her commitment to transform the City of Freetown, using an inclusive approach, underpinned by innovation, community ownership and data-driven performance management. Also, her contribution to climate migration, gender equality and global governance have greatly contributed to the growing role of cities, specifically from the Global South, in world politics.

The popular politician, Aki-Sawyerr took to her official Facebook page and wrote;

“I am truly humbled and honored to receive this award.

We know that today sanitation in the city is challenged because the tricycle groups have not been paid for three months, sanitation vehicles have not been repaired and the transfer stations are not operating so Freetown doesn’t look the way that it did in June. But what was achieved before will be achieved again. We will continue to strive together to do even more to #TransformFreetown