The Lawyer put it to the witness that he does not know what exactly happened to his wife. The witness said he met her dead conclude However, Magistrate Ngegba refused bail, and 24yrs old Mai Dumbuya a businesswoman, 21yrs old Tamba Lebbie a student, 25yrs old Alfred Kargbo

34yrs old Ishmael Samura an Artist and 31yrs old Peter Kalokoh a Masoner made their first appearance before Magistrate Mark Ngegba of Pademba road court No.1 in Freetown on two counts charges to wit Conspiracy to commit murder contrary to section 4 of the offenses against the person Act 1861 and Murder contrary to law.

According to the particulars of offense on Sunday 5th May 2022 at big water, main peninsular Road the western area in Freetown conspired together with other persons unknown and murdered Memunatu Bangura on count two at the same place and date the accused persons murdered Memunatu Bangura.

The charges were read and explained to the accused persons and no plea was taken. The first Prosecution witness (PW1) Husband of the deceased Issa Koroma was cross-examined by defense counsel Emmanuel Teddy Koroma Esq for the first accused person Mai Dumbuya.

Lead Defense Counsel E.T Koroma for the first accused asked how long they have been neighbors; the witness said about 5 years. The witness said he married the deceased in a Muslim way. Asked if the house is an apartment with co-tenants, the witness said he is a neighbor to one Mr. Friday Dumbuya at the back.

Asked if his neighbor will by any chance get to hear anything happening inside his apartment considering the distance, the witness said no. The witness said he lived in the said apartment

The witness said he lived in the said apartment with his 5 kids and his deceased wife Memuna and the said area has no fence or gate. Asked the age of the kid, the witness said 12, a male, and is in JSS3.

Asked where exactly he met his kids on his return, the witness said they were sleeping inside the room. sent the accused persons to the male and female Correctional center in Freetown, and the matter was adjourned to Friday 2nd September 2022.

Assistant Superintendent of Police Ibrahim S. Mansaray is prosecuting.