Sierra Leone’s Deputy Justice Minister, Alpha Sesay, clarified that the Tripartite Committee formed to review the June 2023 elections will not consider a re-run of the elections.

During the Ministry of Information’s weekly press briefing at the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Deputy Minister Sesay addressed misconceptions about the committee’s mandate. He asserted that the committee’s work does not involve re-running the 2023 elections.

Sesay firmly rebuffed any assertions that linked the committee’s activities to the prospect of re-running the 2023 elections. He cautioned against misinformation that has caused public confusion and emphasized that the committee’s primary objective is to conduct a comprehensive review of Sierra Leone’s electoral systems, structures, and processes, aiming to recommend substantial reforms.

Dismissing speculation about an imminent re-run election, Sesay reiterated that the committee’s focus is on electoral reform, not on replacing President Julius Maada Bio’s current term. He highlighted that any grievances regarding electoral outcomes should follow due legal processes, including recourse to the Supreme Court, adhering strictly to established procedures and protocols.

Sesay also outlined the timeline for Sierra Leone’s next general election, scheduled for 2028, and affirmed that the window for any immediate re-run elections has closed.