The All Peoples Congress (APC) Party, in a press release today on June 18, 2024, has announced its decision to resume participation in the Tripartite Committee despite ongoing challenges and a lack of cooperation from the SLPP government and the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL).

The release emphasizes the APC’s commitment to electoral justice and democratic principles in the face of adversity. It criticizes the ECSL for using baseless justifications to conceal electoral malpractices and accuses the SLPP government and ECSL of failing to produce or verify disaggregated data from the June 24, 2023 elections, citing their refusal as indicative of potential data discrepancies that contradict figures announced by ECSL Chairman Mohamed Konneh.

According to the APC, credible evidence of over-voting and other discrepancies highlights the fictitious nature of the announced election results. The party asserts that despite the ECSL’s actions, everyone involved in the June 2023 elections, except ECSL itself, is aware that the results were fabricated. The APC vows to continue pursuing truth and justice, asserting its determination to overcome the ECSL’s perceived defiance and collaborate with ECOWAS and AU mediators who visited their party office today.

The release reassures loyal APC supporters that their strategic decision to temporarily suspend involvement in the Tripartite Committee was made in the party’s and supporters’ best interests. This suspension highlighted challenges faced in accessing ECSL data and verification documents, which should be accessible to all citizens as standard practice.

Temporary withdrawal, according to the APC, spotlighted ECSL’s lack of transparency and unwillingness to cooperate, drawing national and international attention to these crucial issues. This strategic move aimed to pressure ECSL into adhering to democratic norms and ensuring respect for the people’s true will.

The APC expresses gratitude for unwavering support and patience during this period, reaffirming its dedication to fighting for electoral justice and upholding Sierra Leone’s democratic values. Together, they vow to continue striving for transparent and accountable electoral processes.