In a formal letter addressed to the Guinean Ambassador, the All Peoples Congress (APC) of Sierra Leone has requested urgent diplomatic dialogue concerning the recent arrest of Mr. Abu Bakarr Boxx Konteh and other Sierra Leoneans currently detained in Guinea.

Expressing deep concern over the situation, the letter highlights Mr. Konteh’s status as a Regional Organising Secretary of the APC party who sought refuge in Guinea to escape political intimidation from the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) government. The APC emphasizes the importance of protecting the rights and safety of Mr. Konteh and others under these circumstances.

Referencing Guinea’s commendable record of protecting human rights and providing sanctuary to those facing political unrest, the APC calls upon Guinean authorities to ensure fair legal representation for Mr. Konteh and others. The letter asserts that unless incontrovertible evidence is presented, their right to remain in Guinea as a place of safety should be staunchly defended.

The APC acknowledges President Mamadou Doumbouya’s recent address at the United Nations General Assembly, emphasizing the need for African leaders to uphold constitutional guarantees of fundamental human rights. Leveraging this sentiment, the APC respectfully requests that Mr. Konteh be accorded his rights and freedoms, with fair legal representation provided.

Furthermore, the APC seeks a meeting with the Guinean Ambassador to discuss Mr. Konteh’s situation and provide their perspective on the case. While recognizing the Ambassador’s busy schedule, the APC urges urgency and kindness in prioritizing this dialogue.

Ambassador Osman Foday Yansaneh, the APC’s National Deputy Chairman, has been designated as the contact person for arranging the meeting. The APC expresses confidence that through open communication and mutual respect, a resolution can be reached that upholds the esteemed values of both nations.

The letter concludes with gratitude for the Ambassador’s attention to the matter and anticipation of a positive response, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.