Housemates Salone contestants based in United States of America, Hasanatu Julie Conteh popularly known as Julie Tombo has on an exclusive interview confirmed that she still wants to sleep with Leone Stars striker and husband to Hawa Tombo, Musa Tombo.
Julie Tombo came few days before the Vida oneness fundraising concert show and supported with one million leones. As on Monday 16th May, 2022, Julie Tombo completed her medical test for the upcoming housemates show in few days to come. Her coming to Sierra Leone is a result of the Housemates Salone show that is expected to kickoff few days from now.
On the exclusive video with fans of hers, Julie was asked many questions in relation to the allegations made against her by the wedded wife of Musa Tombo, Hawa Tombo. Few weeks ago, wife of Musa, Hawa, alleged that she has a video of Julie on her matrimonial bed with Musa. This allegation video went viral, that got people interested to know whether the allegations were true or not. The video that many have been anticipated to see is still hidden for reasons best known to Hawa or the allegations were not true.
When she was asked whether the allegation of sleeping with Musa is correct, housemates contestant, Julie Tombo persisted saying that she still wants to sleep with Musa. This her statement is getting people perplexed whether she is guilty of the allegation or not, but what is certain is that, Julie really in need and still wants to sleep with Musa Tombo.