Argument sparks in parliament as Hon. Kandeh moves a motion for parliament to debate the 2020 Audit Report.  The Deputy Leader of Government Business, Hon Bashiru Silike argues against, stating that Hon. Kandeh Yumkella has not followed due procedure to send a notice of motion to them, as they neither  received any notice of motion, nor is it on the order paper.

The speaker of Parliament, Dr Abass Bundu ruled in favour of the NGC leader, stating that he received a notice of motion from him.

The speaker’s ruling was also challenged by the leader of Government Business Hon Matthew Nyuma who says he did not receive any notice of motion and therefore, Hon. Yumkella has no right to move a motion but the Speaker interjected stating that he did receive a notice from the MP so he has every right to move the motion.

At the end, speaker’s initial ruling that the report should be debated was upheld.  Like every other motions moved to debate the audit reports (2018 and 2019), the house did not indicate any date for such debate to happen.

Interesting parliament, the same rule the government bench MP used to knock out the main Opposition APC on the currency denomination instrument has been used against them but they don’t want to succumb. I thought they say what is good for the goose is good for the gander?