Former Bar Association Presidential Aspirants Augustine Sorie-Sengbeh Marrah Esq. and Wara Serry-Kamal met with the Attorney General and Minister of Justice to address concerns stemming from the disrupted Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Sierra Leone Bar Association held in Kenema on May 18, 2024.

In their joint statement, they outlined the discussions held with the Attorney General, who serves as the Titular Head of the Bar. Also present at the meeting were Ms. Tuma Adama Jabbie, Alpha Sesay Esq. (Deputy Minister of Justice), Robert B Kowa Esq. (Solicitor General), and Osman I. Kanu Esq. (Director of Public Prosecutions).

“We officially informed him of the outcomes from the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) convened by Bar members on July 10, 2024, at the New Brookfields Hotel, along with the resolutions adopted,” the statement read. They presented a courtesy copy of the resolutions and explained the events leading up to the EGM.

The former aspirants conveyed that a five-member caretaker body had been appointed by Bar members to oversee the Association’s affairs and arrange a new AGM. They clarified that, due to this development, they could not speak on behalf of the requisitionist members.

In response, the Attorney General and his team encouraged all parties involved to seek amicable resolutions to their differences, emphasizing adherence to legal processes and, if necessary, resorting to the courts for redress. They stressed the importance of upholding the Bar’s image and reputation throughout the resolution process.

The meeting marks a pivotal step towards resolving the AGM dispute and restoring stability within the Sierra Leone Bar Association, highlighting ongoing efforts to uphold legal standards and transparency in organizational governance.