The Sierra Leone Bar Association Caretaker Board Spokesman, Franklin Campbell Esq, has responded to a press statement issued by the newly Sierra Leone Bar Association Executive led by Tuma Adama Jabbi Kamara Esq., authorising legal action against the SLBA Caretaker Board.

According to Campbell, he believed in the SLBA Caretaker Board will succeed because the process in which they come into existence is within the law and also believe in their integrity.

He also stated that former presidents have previously asked the Swallow executive to conduct a proper election which he stated that they have no issue with.

He continued that people should not be afraid to go into another election if they know they are popular, and they will embrace any legit winner.

He said they have confidence in the Judiciary because it is the place where a case can die or live and he believes justice will prevail. He said they are following the law and are waiting for the serving of papers to them to go to court to produce their evidence.