The President and Directors of the Sierra Leone Bar Association ( SLBA) has responded to a notice of requisition from Augustine S. Marrah and Wara Serry-Kamal dated 27th May, 2024, for an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).

According to the Bar Association letter, it is stated that the public request by the former presidential candidates which was signed by some members of the Bar contains many names which are duplicated.

While responding to the public request the Bar Association make some clarifications stating that the conference and Annual General Meeting of the SLBA had been duly conducted on the 17th and 18th May, 2024 in Kenema pursuant to the rulings of the High Court of Sierra Leone of Hon. Justice Momoh-Jah Stevens (JA) and Hon. Justice Unisa Kamara.

It was also stated that a good number of members who purportedly signed the notice of requisition were present at the aforementioned conference and
participated in the process.

The notice also said the elections of new Directors were conducted pursuant to the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the SLBA and the Companies Act 2009 (as amended) with the following new executive Members: Tuma Adama Jabbie (Ms.) – President, Sidikie Tommy Esq. – Vice President, Alfred Paul Juwah Esq. – General Secretary, Abubakarr Sidique Kamara Esq. – Assistant General Secretary, Satto Kobba (Ms.) – Treasurer, Yoko Mahiteh Brewah (Ms.) – Assistant Treasurer and Alfred Kamanda Esq. – Public Relations Officer for the corporate years 2024 – 2026 as was announced by a public notice dated 20th May, 2024.

the notice express sincere appreciation to the outgone Directors of the Michaela Eddinia Swallow executive for their dedication and service to the Association, adding that its look forward to building on their achievements.

It states that the newly elected executive is at an advanced stage in the preparation of convening an Extraordinary General Meeting and notice in respect of same will be issued to the general membership in due course and members are encouraged to show deference to one another and abide by due process.