The British Broadcasting Corporation has reported on Sierra Leone’s First Lady, Madam Fatima Bio’s unfortunate comment about her husband having a PHD in Coup d’etat.

BBC Correspondence in Sierra Leone, Umaru Fofana, reported according to a video Madam Fatima Bio posted on her Facebook account which was taken at a fund raising event in the U.S state.

According to the reports of Umaru Fofana, Madam Fatima Bio told supporters at the event that her husband held a Phd in coups so nobody could overthrow him.

Umaru Fofanah continued that, the first lady being referring to the august 10 protest in the opposition strong holds, said ” how can you remove someone who teaches people how to stage a coup.”

He ended his report that the First Lady was referencing the fact that her husband first came to power 1992 as one of the group young military officers who overthrew the APC.

This reports has sparked many comments from Sierra Leoneans, some of which are requests for the arrest of the First Lady for uttering such derogatory statements against the President of Sierra Leone.