Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio, participating in the Africa Investment Forum held in Morocco, emphasized the importance of adding value to products and harnessing the demographic dividend through youth empowerment and job creation.

President Bio highlighted the importance of creating job opportunities for the youth and providing them with the necessary skills and resources to contribute to the continent’s development. He stressed that investing in the youth is crucial to unlocking Africa’s potential and achieving sustainable economic growth.

We must make every effort to add value to the products that we produce…and harness the demographic dividend, or youth empowerment, by investing in the youth and providing jobs for them”.

Furthermore, President Bio spoke about the need for African countries to work together to address the challenges hindering the continent’s economic transformation. He emphasized that regional integration and collaboration are essential for unlocking Africa’s potential and achieving sustainable economic growth.

The Africa Investment Forum is an annual event that brings together investors, businesses, and government officials from across the continent to discuss investment opportunities and promote economic growth and development in Africa.

The forum provides a platform for African leaders to showcase their countries’ potential and attract investment to spur economic growth and job creation.