His Excellency President Dr. Julius Maada Bio presided over the coronation of twelve newly elected Paramount Chiefs. During the event, President Bio made a crucial announcement regarding Sierra Leone’s political future, stating that the next Presidential, Parliamentary, and Local Council Elections will be held in 2028. This declaration comes amidst swirling rumors and political tensions within the country.

President Bio’s address also served as a stern warning to certain “political big guns” who have been spreading misinformation about an imminent election rerun.

He urged these individuals to cease their activities, emphasizing the falsehood of their claims. The rumors in question have been propagated by members of the main opposition All People’s Congress (APC) Party, who allege that the recently established Tripartite Committee’s purpose is to facilitate a rerun of the June 2023 elections.

These allegations were publicly refuted by the U.S. Ambassador, a key figure in the formation of the Tripartite Committee. The Ambassador clarified on public radio that the committee’s inception was a response to concerns regarding the conduct of the June 2023 elections, not to mandate a rerun.

The Tripartite Committee, consisting of representatives from the opposition APC, the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP), and the government, is currently tasked with reviewing the country’s electoral systems and management bodies. Their report is expected to be presented to President Bio next month.

In his speech, President Bio reinforced Sierra Leone’s commitment to democratic principles, stating, “Sierra Leone is a democratic state where state leaders are elected through the ballot box and not by any other means. So, if you want to come to power with the bullet, you will be met with the bullet. In this country, the next presidential, parliamentary, and local council elections will be held in 2028.

The President’s remarks highlight his administration’s dedication to maintaining democratic processes and ensuring political stability in Sierra Leone. As the Tripartite Committee continues its work, the nation anticipates its findings and recommendations, which are expected to shape the future of Sierra Leone’s electoral framework.