Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio has appointed Mr. Bockarie Abdel Aziz Bawoh as the Deputy Minister of Information and Civic Education.

The appointment was formalized through a letter issued by Julius F. Sandy, the Secretary to the President. The letter, addressed to Mr. Bawoh, conveyed the President’s decision in accordance with Section 56 of the Constitution of Sierra Leone, 1991 (Act No. 6 of 1991).

Bawoh will be responsible for supporting the Minister of Information and Civic Education in fulfilling the ministry’s mandate of informing the public and promoting civic engagement.

“I have the honour to inform you that in accordance with Section 56 of the Constitution of Sierra Leone, 1991 (Act No. 6 of 1991), it has pleased his Excellency the President, Brig. (Rtd) Julius Maada Bio to appoint you as Deputy Minister, Ministry of Information and Civic Education, subject to the approval of Parliament.”

Mr. Bawoh was further advised to liaise with the Clerk of Parliament to facilitate a meeting with the Committee on Appointments and Public Service of Parliament for the consideration of his appointment.

“You are kindly advised to contact the Clerk of Parliament who will arrange a meeting with the Committe on Appointments and Public Service of Parliament to consider your appointment. 

“Upon approval by Parliament, further details, including the Terms and Conditions of your appointment will be communicated to you,” the letter concluded.

The appointment of Mr. Bockarie Abdel Aziz Bawoh comes weeks after President Bio re-appointed the former Deputy Minister, Yusuf Keketoma Sandi as the Press Secretary.