Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio has appointed former Sports Minister Ibrahim Nyelenkeh as the Chairman of the National Sports Authority (NSA) of Sierra Leone.

The appointment, in accordance with Section 3 (3) of the National Sports Authority of Sierra Leone Act, 2017, awaits approval from Parliament.

In an official letter addressed to Mr. Ibrahim Nyelenkeh, the President expressed his pleasure in appointing him to this significant role. The letter highlighted that the appointment is subject to the approval of Parliament, indicating a procedural step necessary for confirmation.

Mr. Nyelenkeh has been urged to liaise with the Clerk of Parliament to facilitate a meeting with the Committee on Appointments and the Public Service of Parliament, who will deliberate on his appointment.

Upon parliamentary approval, Mr. Nyelenkeh can expect to receive further communication outlining the terms and conditions of his appointment. This move underscores President Bio’s commitment to enhancing sports governance and administration in Sierra Leone.