Today, President Julius Maada Bio and First Lady Fatima Bio bid farewell to ASP Mathew Moiwa Gbanya, who was fatally shot while on errands in Makeni on April 8th, 2023.

ASP Gbanya served as the OSD Regional Coordinator in the North-East region’s headquarters in Makeni until his untimely death.

President Bio praised the tireless efforts of law enforcement officers who often go unrecognized and expressed sorrow that individuals in this line of work are being targeted.

He condemned those who act against the rule of law and urged the police to investigate and prosecute those responsible for ASP Gbanya’s death.

Furthermore, President Bio acknowledged the difficulty in consoling the deceased’s widow, but prayed for strength for her and their families.

He implored the police to remain vigilant and professional in carrying out their duties, especially in light of such incidents.

ASP Gbanya was laid to rest at The Police Training School in Hastings.