Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada marked the International Day of the Girl Child on October 11th, 2023, by delivering a heartfelt message that celebrated the immense potential and resilience of girls worldwide.

He passionately reaffirmed his government’s unwavering dedication to empowering girls and removing the obstacles hindering their progress.

President Bio’s message strongly endorsed his administration’s commitment to ensuring that every girl in Sierra Leone has the opportunity to pursue her dreams and aspirations. He stressed the focus on creating equal opportunities and fostering an environment where girls can thrive.

In his words,

As we mark this year’s International Day of the Girl Child, I recognise and celebrate the incredible potential and resilience of girls worldwide. I reaffirm my Government’s commitment to empowering girls, breaking down barriers, and ensuring that every girl in Sierra Leone has the opportunity to fulfil her dreams and aspirations. We will redouble our efforts to create equal opportunities and foster a society where girls can thrive. Girls are not just the future. They are the present. They are leaders, innovators, and change-makers. Our girls have repeatedly proven they can shatter glass ceilings, build their own tables and overcome obstacles. I am persuaded that when we invest in girls’ education, health and well-being, we are investing in a more prosperous and just society. Therefore, I remain committed to investing in a future that believes in girls’ agency to build a brighter and more equitable future for all.

From his message, President Bio conveyed a compelling message, emphasizing that girls are not only the future but also leaders, innovators, and change-makers today. He provided numerous examples of girls breaking through barriers, forging their own paths, and conquering obstacles.

A central theme of his address was the crucial importance of investing in girls’ education, health, and well-being. President Bio argued that such investments are essential for building a more prosperous and just society.

He concluded by reiterating his commitment to a future that recognizes the agency of girls and envisions a brighter and more equitable future for all. The President’s words have deeply resonated with advocates for gender equality and girls’ empowerment, instilling optimism for a more inclusive and promising future.