His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio has departed for Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, to join his counterpart, President Umaro Sissoco Embalo, in commemorating the country’s 50th Independence Anniversary and Armed Forces Day.

The celebrations, initially scheduled for September 24, 2023, to coincide with the official anniversary date, were postponed to November 16, 2023. President Bio’s attendance at this momentous occasion underscores Sierra Leone’s strong bilateral relations with Guinea-Bissau and its commitment to fostering regional unity and cooperation.

President Bio is expected to participate in a series of official events, including a grand military parade showcasing Guinea-Bissau’s armed forces, and a cultural extravaganza highlighting the country’s rich artistic heritage. He will also hold bilateral talks with President Embalo, discussing matters of mutual interest and exploring avenues to further strengthen the ties between the two nations.

Sierra Leone and Guinea-Bissau share a long history of camaraderie and collaboration, and President Bio’s presence at the Golden Independence Anniversary celebrations reaffirms the commitment of both countries to deepen their partnership and work together towards a brighter future for the West African region.

The President is expected to return to Freetown later today, Thursday 16 November 2023.