In a recent interview with Al Jazeera, Sierra Leone’s President, Julius Maada Bio, addressed concerns regarding the wave of military coups in the African region and allegations of irregularities in his country’s recent election.

President Bio, who previously led a coup in the 1990s before becoming a civilian leader, discussed his views on these matters.

Bio began by highlighting Sierra Leone’s journey towards peace and development since the end of the civil war. He described the past conflict as “senseless” and stressed that Sierra Leone had made significant progress since then.

Regarding the allegations of irregularities in the election that led to his re-election, President Bio refuted claims of fraud. He stated that there was no evidence of such acts and that international observers found no incidents of gunfire at opposition party offices during the election. He defended the election’s fairness and transparency, noting that he received over 56% of the vote, exceeding the 55% threshold required for presidential candidates. He emphasized, “I will win again if we go for another election, I have worked very hard for the country and there were very evidence even before the election that I was going to win and the election was free, Fare, and transparent.”

In response to concerns about military coups in the region, President Bio argued that there could be valid reasons behind such takeovers. He asserted that some military leaders were attempting to address issues and improve conditions in their respective countries. He cited his own coup as an example, claiming that it was “good” because it aimed to prioritize the interests of citizens. During his time in power, he worked to restore democracy and ensure stability.

President Bio emphasized his commitment to promoting education, healthcare, and food security as essential components of national development. He stated that these three areas were fundamental to empowering a country and pledged to continue focusing on them during his presidency.

President Bio expressed confidence in his ability to lead the country effectively and asserting that he had worked tirelessly for the nation’s progress.

As Sierra Leone navigates the challenges of political stability and development, President Bio’s remarks shed light on his perspective and vision for the nation’s future.